The Epidemic of Busyness
We live margin-less lives. Our personal, professional and church calendars are full to over-flowing. As a matter of fact, busyness for many is a badge of honor. The busier we are, the more important we feel. We take it as a compliment when people say about us, “They work all the time. They are just so busy!”
Our culture is fast-paced. People in many places around the world shake their heads in disbelief and maybe even disapproval as they note how we Americans cram our lives with activity. We Americans are spoiled by the sheer number of options that are available to us each and every day. If we can, it seems we feel we must.
Raising children used to be about calling them in from a pick-up game with other children in the street, listening to them and finding out about their day at the dinner table and reading to them at bedtime. Now it appears that for most raising children is about ferrying them around in the mini-van from school to soccer, to gymnastics, to ballet lessons, to scouts, to music lessons, to rehearsal for the school play, to the mall, to the library, to football practice, to youth group, to… well you get it. By now you are adding your common, destinations in your mind.
Solitaire has migrated from our computers to our smart phones. The dinner table is for reading email, while driving, for some, is the perfect time for texting. Perish the thought we might turn off the ubiquitous cell phone.
As a society, we have moved beyond the mere “tyranny of the urgent.” We live buried under the avalanche of options and opportunities.” We live buried under the sheer weight of busyness.
Now understand, I am not casting stones here. I am not the righteous Pharisee eager to cast the first stone. Quite the opposite, I sit in that circle of broken people and with downcast eyes say barely above a whisper, “Hello. My name is Bill. I am a workaholic.” I am a fellow-traveler on this journey.
The Problem with Busyness
God created us with a natural rhythm built in. He instituted the Sabbath and observed it Himself. He labored for six days and rested on the seventh. He commanded us to do the same, but few of us do. We go like the energizer bunny to the detriment of our bodies, minds and souls.
But perhaps the greatest casualty of our busyness is relationships. When we live like everyone else does, when we get caught up in the busyness of our world, we lose connection. We don’t have time left for others – even or maybe especially for our spouses and children. Busyness also robs us of connection with ourselves. It’s impossible for a busy person to pause, reflect, meditate, contemplate or simply be still.
We not only lose connection with others and ourselves, but we also lose connection with God. We are too busy to read and steep in the Word of God. We are too busy to pray. We are too busy to be still and know that He is God.
The Pathway to Health
There are no doubt additional steps along the pathway to a balanced life, but I want to suggest three. First, just say “No.” Just because we can doesn’t mean we should.
Second, prioritize time for the Word, prayer, silence, solitude and reflection. Save enough time in each day to actually connect once again with God. Be still before Him and as you are still before Him you will grow in the knowledge that He is God.
Third, prioritize time for relationships with others. I grieve the time I robbed from my wife and two sons over the years of my busyness and workaholism. I cannot go back and do it over, but I can make different and better choices today and tomorrow. When it comes to being challenged to make right choices in this area of life, there is a Sarah Groves song that speaks powerfully to my soul.
Here are the words…
Just One More Thing
There’s always just one more thing
There’s always another task
There’s always, “I just have one more small favor to ask”
And everything is urgent and everything is now
I wonder what would really happen if I stopped somehow
I’ll be there in a minute
Just a few places to go
You wake up a few years later and your kids are grown
And everything is important
But everything is not
At the end of your life your relationships are all you’ve got
And love to me is when you put down that one more thing and say
I’ve got something better to do
And love to me is when you walk out on that one more thing and say
Nothing will come between me and you
Not even one thing
There will never be an end to the requests upon your time
It’s your place to stand up and tell the world
You’ve got to rest awhile
And everything is important
But everything is not
At the end of your life your relationships are all you’ve got
And love to me is when you put down that one more thing and say
I’ve got something better to do
Love to me is when you walk out on that one more thing and say
Nothing will come between me and you
Not even one thing