Partnering With Today's Leaders for Tomorrow's Success

On-line Coaching Cohorts

A cohort is a group of companions and supporters who share common interests and activities. A cohort might consist of people who fill the same or similar roles; like Lead Pastor, Executive Pastor, Staff Pastor, Denominational Executive, or Board member. A cohort might consist of people in similar situations or facing a common issue, transition, life situation or initiative. These cohorts might be dealing with declining attendance or giving, the need to align staff and ministries with the current Mission and Vision, or launching a new ministry initiative.

On-line Cohort Coaching:

  • Is both time and cost effective
  • Offers double benefit
  • You benefit from your coach’s experience and wisdom
  • You benefit from the interaction with other pastors and leaders
  • Allows you to contribute to others as you share what you have learned with them

Choose a Cohort

  • NexStep offers coaching on various topics. Pastors and other ministry leaders from across the country and sometimes internationally join together for training and coaching.
  • NexStep offers coaching to people serving in like roles or ministries. For example, a cohort for Executive Pastors, Family Life Pastors, Boards or leaders of churches trying to break the 200, 600 or 1,000 barriers.
  • NexStep offers coaching for pastors and boards anticipating transition and wanting to establish a succession plan.

Joining a NexStep Initiated Cohort

  • Register on-line at
  • Sessions last 60-90 minutes
  • Sessions are limited to no more than nine participants per session
  • Sessions are interactive with questions and input being welcomed from all participants
  • Cost: $40 per person per 60-minute session
  • Cost: $50 per person per 90-minute session

Create a Cohort

  • Create a cohort for you and your staff
  • Create a cohort consisting of you and your board
  • Create a cohort of neighboring pastors, friends or peers

Arranging Your Own Cohort

  • Contact Bill Hoyt to arrange your customized Coaching Cohort
  • You choose who participates
  • You set the coaching agenda
  • You set the times and frequency of coaching sessions
  • Cost: $200 per 60-minute session
  • Unlimited number of participants

How Do Cohort Coaching Sessions Work?

  • Meetings are conducted using Zoom, a high-quality video conferencing service
  • You do not need to be a Zoom subscriber to participate
  • Register and pay on-line at
  • You will receive a link to use to log into the session
  • Zoom allows for use of PowerPoint, graphics, sharing documents and screens and doing real-time editing.
  • No need to gather participants in the same location, unless you have good reason to
  • Each participant can see and hear all other participants and be seen and heard by all, in return
  • The virtual meeting feature allows for more scheduling opportunities, accommodating people who may be traveling or otherwise unable to make a physical meeting

Contact Information

  • 626 893-5083
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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